The project is conducted in active collaboration between leading construction and ICT stakeholders and universities. Its goal is to increase productivity, safety and efficiency on construction sites by means of digitalisation.
The focus of the work is on the planning, production and supply processes of construction sites. The project, which is a strategic project within the Smart Built Environment innovation programme, offers opportunities for collaboration with start-ups and small to medium-sized enterprises. The project management is based at Linköping University, while research integration is led by Luleå University of Technology.
Construction sites are temporary factories
Construction sites are temporary “factories” that are set up and dismantled time and again in new locations. The purpose of the project is to establish a connected construction site led by a broad industrial consortium that will exploit the potential of the ongoing digital transformation in society to streamline value chains in construction towards increased productivity and enhance the efficiency of transportation, energy and raw material usage. A range of digital technologies are tested and developed in live construction projects, for example sensor networks and embedded systems, RFID-tagged components, machines and workers, (big) data analysis using AI methods, wireless connections that will increase the logistics automation of the construction sites, digital production documentation and production automation, and so on. The project contributes to stakeholders gaining business benefits from digitalisation through technological development, which will also enable the participation of new stakeholders and new business logic within the built environment.
Increased productivity and resource efficiency
Our goal is to create more predictable, more rapid and more efficient production and information flows that will boost productivity across the value chain. We are committed to improving resource efficiency with regard to energy, transportation and goods, i.e. a general reduction in resource consumption. Our tests will also contribute to enhanced safety on construction sites and fewer incidents and accidents. In order to be considered a success, a test needs to generate proposals for new business models, and our desire is that the work will lead to the creation of opportunities for new stakeholders and stakeholder constellations in the built environment sector.
Through the work, we are also aiming to increase innovative utilisation of new technology and digitalisation, generate new knowledge, drive development, and increase collaboration within and between academia and the business community.