The utilization of digitalisation and automation has increased differently rapidly in different industries. The construction industry is not in the lead but the interest for digitalisation and automation is very great in this sector. In many aspects, the work is carried out in a similar way as during the last 50 years, while the costs of work performed have increased. In some cases as much as 8 times more than other costs.
The industry needs efficiency and change. Pure errors that occur and which could be prevented by more automated and digitized processes amount to many billions annually. There are examples of major automation in the mining industry.
Furthermore, there are examples in the construction industry of automated construction in Lund. Internationally, there are several different examples of major centres formed with automation of construction as a focus. With the large investments that will be made in the construction industry over the coming years, it is important that development and implementation of an automated construction can start as soon as possible. To achieve this, increased national cooperation between various actors in Sweden is required. In the autumn of 2020, a project financed by Smart Built Environment was started with the aim to build up a National Network for automated construction.
This work has been successful and has resulted in an established network and several important activities; one example is an application to establish a European Digital innovation Hub (EDIH) related to automated construction. The first phase of the Network was concluded in 2021, and we therefore apply for a continuation of the National Network in order to continue this work. Through a continuation of the National Network, conditions for an increased national collaboration and knowledge exchange are created within Swedish automated construction, which will increase the rate of innovation. An automated construction within the civil construction sector is also a prerequisite in order to fulfil the global aims to the year 2030 and reach a more sustainable future built environment.
ID: U10-2022-5
Granted in: Call 10
Project manager: Johan Silfwerbrand, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan