The innovation idea "DiGiRi" aims to develop an interactive digital game that ensures the quality of the processes in social planning from a children's rights perspective. The game will engage both professionals in social planning as well as raising awareness in children about the rights of the child. The game will simulate different scenarios and decision points in social planning and challenge players to reflect on how their actions and decisions affect the rights of the child.

Through experience in both children's rights and social planning and architecture, we have a good knowledge of existing initiatives that aims to involve children and childrens rights in such processes. In principle, it is always adults who invite children to ""adult"" arenas, which weakens the conditions for equality and the quality of the dialogue's content and output. We want to do the opposite and start from children’s arenas, and create something that increases the conditions for equality and improved quality in these participation processes.

Despite the fact that children make up 20% of the population, the group is largely invisible when decisions are made about how public spaces should be designed. The challenges faced include a lack of knowledge on behalf of the planners about the rights of the child and their application. But it is also about difficulties in actually ""accessing"" and understanding the child's perspective and how children with different conditions experience moving in public spaces. The inclusion of the child's perspective is often experienced as both complicated and diffuse and tends to become all too symbolic, something that can be compared to ""child-washing"" (equivalent to ""green-washing""). This project wants to target these challenges and simplify the work with a more egalitarian community building process.

The project is aimed at operators in the spatial planning sector, mostly within municipalities, but also private construction workers and architects.

About the project

Granted in: Innovationsidén 6
Project number: i6-13
Project manager: Rebecca Colt, Morota Staaf Arkitekter