Today's spatial planning often focuses on densification, transformation, and mixing between housing and businesses. In addition to the benefits, it can mean that people are exposed to increased risks in terms of health and safety. The complexity of consideration for health, safety, and the risk of accidents is great and the information spread between different actors.

Investigations of issues related to risk are usually done only in the detailed development planning stage. To keep costs down, property developers take major project risks by running the construction project in parallel with the planning process.

If geodata on health, safety, and accident risks had been available at an early stage, this project risk could be reduced. Parties know early on whether land use is possible in a particular location or when in-depth investigations are required. Time for processing and decision-making can be shortened, the flow of information improved, and predictability increased.

Today's planning process is flawed in this regard and the reuse of knowledge is small. The possibilities for automation that open data enables are only used to a low extent.

The project idea is to create a map portal where information that has a major impact on community building becomes freely available to all parties: With the help of a current, defined, and well-defined area - risks with the transport of dangerous goods – the project's goal is to develop a pilot version of the portal. Risk assessments of this kind are well suited for automation as they are based on a few characteristics available among open data. An automated site-specific assessment avoids unnecessary investigative work, which saves both time and money.

The potential for the map portal lies in the possibility of developing services where open data is refined to give stakeholders nuanced assessments. These services form the basis of the digital transformation and changing business models from hourly sales to product sales.

About the project

ID: UI-2022-6

Granted in: Innovation ideas 2

Project manager: Fredrik Nystedt, Briab Brand och Riskingenjörerna AB