Property ownership is a central part of our society, but the current system is often slow and complicated.

With the SliceProp project, we want to change this by creating a digital platform that makes owning real estate easier and safer. By using blockchain technology, we can convert the ownership rights into digital tokens. These tokens represent a part of the property, and by splitting the property into digital shares, we make it available to a wider range of investors. This means that both institutional investors and private individuals, who would otherwise not be able to participate in large capital-intensive real estate investments, can join.

Blockchain technology is a decentralized database, where information is stored in so-called blocks that are linked together in a chain. Each block contains a unique set of data and is encrypted, making it extremely difficult to change the information without affecting the entire chain. This creates a secure and transparent environment where all transactions are recorded and verified by multiple independent parties, without the need for a central intermediary. The blockchain thus makes it possible to create a digital representation of physical assets, such as real estate, in a way that is secure and reliable.

In the SliceProp-project, we use this technology to create digital tokens that represent the ownership of a property. By tokenizing real estate, we can enable faster, safer and more transparent transactions, where investors can buy and sell shares of a property without having to go through the complex and costly paper based processes traditionally used. Blockchain technology helps us build trust and security in the transactions, as every step of the process can be tracked and verified, reducing the risk of fraud or error.

The project focuses on developing a pilot platform where we will tokenize a property in Sweden. Through this pilot project, we will demonstrate how tokenization can replace the traditional paper-based system of property ownership with a modern and digital solution. By converting ownership to digital tokens, transactions can be simplified, transparency increased and liquidity improved. In addition, this makes real estate investments more accessible to smaller investors, which in turn creates greater participation in the real estate market. The project also takes into account the laws and regulations that apply to real estate ownership in Sweden and the EU, and we are working with legal experts to ensure that everything is done legally and safely.

Beyond the technical benefits, the project also has a clear focus on equality. By using new technologies, we are creating new opportunities for investors and property owners, and we aim to enable more women to participate in the real estate sector. We hope that our project will not only lead to a more digital and sustainable real estate market, but also to greater inclusion and fairness in society.

About the project

Granted in: Innovationsidén 7
Project number: i7-12
Project manager: Tarik Bajagilovic, Sliceon AB